Take your business global with Maplerad

Expand your business to new markets. Send, receive, and hold multiple currencies in one place

Black lady looking for clothes on a rack

Cross-border payments made simple

Whether you’re buying from suppliers in China or selling to customers in Cameroon, Maplerad makes it easy for you to pay and get paid in  any currency

  • No code

    Create instant virtual dollar cards, fund from your naira account and swap between currencies without any code or API integration

  • Borderless payments

    Send and receive payments in NGN, USD, XAF, GHC, KES at competitive market rates

  • Data Protection

    See how, where and when your money moves and make important business decisions with detailed insights on your dashboard

Take your business global in simple steps

  1. Create your Maplerad account

  2. Complete your business verification

  3. Start sending and receiving international payments

Ready to take your business global?

Create a free account today to get started or talk to sales to find out what is best for your business