Maplerad’s Privacy Policy

Maplerad Terms of Use & Privacy Policy


Maplerad Limited ("Maplerad," "we," "our," or "us") is a financial technology company that offers financial services and products. These Terms of Use govern your access and use of our services and website ("Platform"). By accessing or using the Maplerad Platform, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use. Please read these Terms of Use carefully before using the Platform. You must not access or use the Platform if you do not agree to these Terms of Use.


Maplerad Limited is a financial technology company that offers all-in-one finance solutions for businesses and consumers. We provide online payment gateway solutions that enable users to make payments for goods and services through virtual cards and global accounts, facilitating ease in money transfers.


These Terms of Use constitute an agreement between you and Maplerad. They detail our obligations to you and govern your use of the Platform and the services available on the Platform. You must consider the risks associated with using our services as outlined in these Terms of Use. By using this website, mobile applications, or any of our services, you are bound by the provisions of these Terms of Use.


  • "Clients" refer to the users or customers of Maplerad's services.
  • "Non-Registered Users" are individuals who can browse the content of the Platform from the landing page without registering.
  • "Registered Professionals & Businesses" are corporations that have registered and use the platform to offer their services to potential consumers.
  • "Service Page" is the section of the Platform where users or customers can access the services provided.
  • "Service(s)" refers to the services offered on Maplerad's Platform.
  • "User" refers to the various stakeholders involved in using Maplerad's Professional Platform.


To access certain features on the Platform, you may need to provide personal and/or demographic information during the registration process. You agree to provide accurate, current, and complete information about yourself and to keep this information up-to-date. Safeguarding the confidentiality of your account password is your responsibility, and we are not liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to protect your password or account information. You authorize us, directly or through third parties, to conduct any necessary inquiries to validate your identity. This may include requesting further information, requiring a biometric verification number (BVN), confirming ownership of your email address or financial instruments, ordering a credit report, or verifying your information against third-party databases or other sources.


By using the Platform, you represent, warrant, and agree that no materials submitted through your account or posted/shared by you on the Platform will violate or infringe upon the rights of any third party. You further agree not to collect users' email addresses or other contact information from the Platform for unsolicited communications. You will not use automated scripts to collect information from the Platform or use it unlawfully or in a way that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair the Platform.


To register for our services on the Platform, you must be at least 18 years of age and legally able to enter into a binding contract in your jurisdiction. If you accept these Terms and use the services on behalf of a company, business, or organization, you represent and warrant that you are authorized to do so.


Maplerad and/or its licensors own the intellectual property rights and materials on the Platform, including text, graphics, animations, music, videos, articles, logos, and other information. You are granted a non-assignable, non-exclusive, and revocable license to use the software provided as part of our services in accordance with these Terms. You may not copy, reverse engineer, modify, or distribute the Platform's materials without explicit authorization. Any unauthorized use may infringe upon our intellectual property rights.


Maplerad strives to ensure the availability and bug-free operation of the Platform. However, your use of the Platform is at your own risk. We provide all materials "as is" without any warranty, express or implied. We do not warrant the accuracy, completeness, availability, security, or non-infringement of intellectual property rights of the Platform and its services. You are responsible for configuring your information technology, computer programs, and platform to access our services and protect against viruses or bugs. We do not guarantee uninterrupted or error-free access to the Platform. You are responsible for configuring your information technology, computer programmes, and platform in order to access our Services. Please ensure you use your virus protection software or application as we cannot guarantee that our Services will be free from viruses or bugs. You must not attempt to gain unauthorized access to our Services, computers, or databases. You must not misuse our Services by introducing trojans, viruses, or other malicious or technologically harmful materials.


Your use of the Maplerad Platform and services is at your own risk. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Maplerad will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, consequential, special, or exemplary damages, including damages resulting from revenue loss, profit loss, use, data, goodwill, or business interruption. This limitation of liability applies whether the damages are based on warranty, tort, contract, statute, or any other legal theory. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of certain warranties or limitations on the scope and duration of such warranties, so the above disclaimers may not apply to you in their entirety but will apply to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law.


You agree to indemnify and hold Maplerad, its staff, and affiliates harmless from any losses, damages, costs, liabilities, and expenses arising from your breach of these Terms or any claim that you have breached these Terms. You will indemnify and hold Maplerad harmless from any claim, suit, or proceedings brought against Maplerad arising from or in connection with violations of intellectual property or other rights of third parties related to your use of the Platform.


If you breach these Terms, Maplerad may take appropriate action, including but not limited to suspending your access to the Platform, prohibiting your access, blocking your IP address, or bringing legal proceedings against you. We have the right to deny your access to the Platform and suspend or terminate your access to the Platform for any reason, including any violation by you of these Terms of Use or any suspicion or proven case of fraud or attempted fraud or use of our platform for any prescribed illegal purposes.


Maplerad uses cookies to identify you as a user and customize and improve our services. By using our services, you consent to the use of cookies. Maplerad recognizes the importance of protecting users’ privacy and complies with applicable data protection regulations. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information on how we collect, store, and use personal information. Maplerad recognizes the importance of protecting the privacy of those who visit and choose to use Maplerad Services. Maplerad remains compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI/DSS) requirement to the extent applicable. Please note that such requirements may be amended from time to time. With respect to all the Personal Information belonging to, and/or processed in connection with Maplerad or this website, such Personal Information at all times are in compliance with all Data Protections Laws in the territory, in all respect and in particular the Nigeria Data Protection Regulation 2019 and all applicable data protection regulation in force.


These Terms shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Any dispute arising out of these Terms shall be submitted to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located in Nigeria.


Maplerad reserves the right to prohibit or require pre-approval for certain sub-merchant types or activities based on our discretion and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. A list of prohibited and requiring pre-approval sub-merchant types will be maintained by Maplerad and may be updated from time to time.

  • Any Sub-merchant where the anticipated % of International Card Sales is expected to be greater than 20% of total sales.
  • Bail Bond Services or Bankruptcy Lawyers.
  • Crowd Sourced Fundraising, as defined by Maplerad from time to time, except however, Crowd Sourced Fundraising shall not be allowed for the purchase of stock or equity, a promise made to deliver a good or service in the future, or there is no consideration in return for the payment or donation.
  • Dating Services.
  • NGO / Charities.
  • Money Transfer, Wire Transfers, Money Orders, Transmitters, and Check Cashing including merchants unless registered and licensed as a Money Service Business or Money Transfer Operator.
  • Payment Facilitators (unless Registered & Licensed)
  • Personal Enhancement Products and/or Nutraceuticals.


Maplerad shall not solicit or sign agreements with merchants or sub-merchants (i) in any of the following categories/businesses, or (ii) engaging in any of the following activities as may be updated by Maplerad in its sole discretion from time to time as they are Prohibited by Maplerad and/or the Card Brand rules:

  • Any product, service, or activity that is deceptive, unfair, predatory or prohibited by one or more Card Brands.
  • Any Merchant selling goods or services that violate any law, statute or regulation.
  • Any Merchant selling products that infringe on the intellectual property rights of others, including counterfeit goods or any product or service that infringes on the copyright, trademark or trade secrets of any third party, such as many Cyberlockers.
  • Any Merchant accepting a card as payment for a dishonoured check or for an item deemed uncollectible by another merchant.
  • Any Merchant that accepts a card at a scrip-dispensing terminal.
  • Adult entertainment and/or adult content websites including Electronic Commerce adult content (videotext) merchants that would include MCC’s 5967, 7273 and 7841.
  • Bestiality. Brand or Reputational damaging, potential or otherwise, activities including Child Pornography, Escort Services, Mail Order Brides, and Occult.
  • Digital Wallet, Cryptocurrency, or Prepaid Companies.
  • Drug Paraphernalia. e-Cigarettes. Firearms and weapons including Ammunition. Internet/Mail Order Pharmacies.
  • Investment or “get rich quick” merchants, businesses, or programs.
  • Marijuana dispensaries and related products or services.
  • Multi-Level Marketing Businesses.
  • “Negative option” marketing, renewal, or continuity subscription practices; marketing activities involving low-dollar trials, “pay only for shipping,” and/or “free trial” periods after which a credit card is charged periodically and/or a significantly larger amount.
  • Pawn Shops.
  • Pseudo Pharmaceuticals.
  • Psychics and “occult” businesses.
  • Quasi-Cash or Stored Value.
  • Substances designed to mimic illegal drugs.
  • Transacting Virtual Currency or credits that can be monetized, re-sold or converted to physical or digital goods or services or otherwise exit the virtual world.


By using our services, you agree to the terms and conditions of our suppliers and vendors, such as Flutterwave, where applicable.


Maplerad reserves the right to change, revise, or modify these Terms. The most current version of the Terms will always be available on the Platform and govern our relationship with you. We will try to notify you of any material changes via email or service notifications. By continuing to use our services after the changes become effective, you agree to be bound by the revised Terms.


Maplerad reserves the right to review and adjust the pricing/fee payable by the customer based on market trends and/or regulatory instructions. Any changes in pricing will be communicated to the customers in advance and will be implemented upon notice.


For any questions regarding the use of the Platform or comments about the services provided via the Platform or its contents, please direct your inquiries to

Date of last revision: 8th of September 2023